DGT Alunni Association, Inc.
Are you an active DGT Alumni Association active member?
Activate your membership!
Methods for paying annual $20 dues and/or donate:
(In comments - Please indicate “Annual Dues” & what portion is a donation when paying more than just dues)
1. With Zelle – Please send the funds to res-mgr@dgtaa.org.
2. With Venmo – Please send the funds to res-mgr@dgtaa.org from the Venmo app.
3. With PayPal (Note DGTAA will be charged a fee) go to PayPal
4. By Check – Please mail to: DGT Alumni Association, Inc., 272 Clinton Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11205.
Non-Tax-Deductible DUES AND DONATIONS to DGT Alumni Association are solicited from and paid by its members. The Association’s members are current or former Pratt Institute students who were inducted before 2007 as members of Delta Gamma Theta or of Tau Delta Phi – Tau Sigma, or inducted as associate members of the Gallery House Program, beginning in 2016. Active (voting) members are current on payment of their annual dues of $20, and may cast votes during quarterly membership meetings, participate in elections of officers, run for office, and gain access to the Members Section of this website. Associate Members are individuals who participated in the Gallery Internship Program, and who were invited and voluntarily decided to join and actively participate in supporting the mission of DGT Alumni Association. Associate Members become full members upon graduation or disenrollment, pre-graduation from Pratt Institute. Your annual dues payment of $20 is due the beginning of each calendar year regardless of when paid in the prior year. Therefore a member whose dues have not been paid by January 31 will be considered on probation status. Probationary status means that such a member may not vote until these debts are paid. If the member fails to do so for more than sixty days, he will be considered inactive on March 2nd or March 1st if a leap year. Current active members may renew by paying their dues online. Dues and Donations to the DGT Alumni Association are not tax-deductible under the Internal Revenue Service Code. DGT Alumni Association, Inc. is registered with the New York State Attorney General's Charities Bureau. Its registration number is 023100. In making a payment, indicate the purpose of the payment as you handle it through PayPal, or by mailing it to DGT Alumni Association, Inc., 272 Clinton Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11205.
DGT Foundation, Inc.
Help fund the Gallery House program!
DGT Foundation Inc is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, and all contributions are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the law.
Contribue to DGT Foundation with PayPal
TAX DEDUCTIBLE GIFTS TO DGT FOUNDATION support charitable and educational program activities, including the Gallery House Program. Indicate the purpose of the payment (e.g. Gallery House Program, etc,) as you make a payment through PayPal, or in mailing it to DGT Foundation, 272 Clinton Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11205. Donations to the DGT Foundation from members, the general public, businesses, foundations or corporate giving programs are tax-deductible under the Internal Revenue Service Code. A copy of the DGT Foundation’s latest annual report may be downloaded from this website, or obtained upon request from DGT Foundation or from the New York State Attorney General’s Charities Bureau. DGT Foundation's IRS Tax ID is 47-1353263 and its Charities Bureau Registration number is 450261. The address for DGT Foundation is 272, Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11205. The address for the New York State Attorney General’s Charities Bureau is 120 Broadway, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10271.
Consider a Major and or a Legacy Gift – We’ve been around for more than a century, enriching the lives of Pratt students, making a positive contribution to student life, and contributing to the development of life-long friendships and professional associations among members. Over the coming years, capital funds are needed for restoration and renovation of the 'House' at 272 Clinton Ave., and there naming opportunities for donors making leading gifts. Including DGT Alumni Association in your will or other legacy giving method makes it possible for others to have this kind of enriching experience, and for DGT Alumni Association to continue for another century. To discuss a legacy gift that you are considering please contact the President of the DGT Alumni Association. For more information email the President of DGT Alumni Association, Inc., at info.dgtaa.org.