Moving away from site based to Zoom. Before COVID-19, meetings were on-site and aided by web-conferencing for participation by members in other states and countries.
The DGT Quarterly Membership Meeting originally scheduled for April 24 has been rescheduled to take place via Zoom on Saturday, May 1. In keeping with social distancing and other COVID-related restrictions, the DGT Quarterly Membership Meeting will be held only via Zoom. The meeting will start at 11:00 a.m., Eastern (USA). The agenda normally includes reports from the Officers of the Board, the House Manager, and from Gallery House Coaches. All active and inactive members, including Gallery House graduates, are invited and encouraged to participate in the meeting. Voting on motions is permitted for members who are current on 2021 dues of $10.
To Join the Quarterly Membership Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 918 2107 3356
Passcode: 516111